The purpose of journalism is to keep the people informed and to check those in power. However, it's imperative that journalists do their job in an ethical way. It is imperative for journalists to jump right in and ask tough/uncomfortable questions. They also need to think on their feet, and not be afraid to search for in-depth information. 

A journalist must understand that what they say and how they report a topic has an impact, and it stays out in the world. They must be careful how they ask questions and portray what is happening. Some stories may be uncomfortable, so it's important to do substantial research so as not to report false information.

Being able to report on what is happening in the country is an important privilege and right. That means that a journalist has to be careful but willing to test limits to get the truth to the people. Part of what makes democracy work is the people have the power. However, in order for people in power to successfully do their job, they need to be educated and informed on what's happening. 

A good journalist must tell the truth. This doesn't mean they can't have any opinions, it just means the opinions can't be unfiltered. If a journalist only shares their opinions, then the news is corrupted and then the viewers only get a single side of the story.


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